Independent Retailer spoke to a couple of enthusiastic SizeUp users who talked about how they use they have used the site to grow their businesses. Lila Raygoza, owner of a vintage footwear shop, used SizeUp to conduct research for her business plan, to gather competitor information,and to analyze top markets across the country. ”It is a good tool for business intelligence. SizeUp’s projections and number crunching saves time, and I like that resources are recommended for additional business needs.”
Arik Levy, owner of a self-service laundry service called Laundry Locker, said “We’re going after the traditional dry cleaning space, and SizeUp helps us see where the dry cleaners are and how much money people are spending in those areas. It’s a really easy, targeted way for us to do some high level market analysis, both in our market and in new markets that we’re looking at.” Laundry Locker recently launched a platform called Drop Locker, a franchise business for individuals around the country. “I recommend SizeUp to everyone we’re working with on the Drop Locker solution,” Levy remarks. “I tell them to use SizeUp and analyze their market. When you’re starting to get into a business, it’s the kind of thing you’re looking for. Trying to do that research yourself is very difficult. You would be lucky to find where the dry cleaners are, let alone see the demographics, spending, etc.”
Read the full article here.