The Inter-American Investment Corporation includes SizeUp as a model for Fintech innovation to serve micro, small, and medium sized Latin American businesses in its latest report, “Harnessing the Fintech Revolution: How Digital Innovations are Revitalizing MSME Finance in Latin America and the Caribbean“. The report was developed in collaboration with Oliver Wyman, who conducted substantial research to guide and verify many of the report insights. SizeUp was interviewed for the report and is included as the example of enhanced market intelligence to small businesses. According to the report, “In addition to providing MSME data to lenders, fintechs are developing analytics platforms that can provide MSMEs with valuable market intelligence. These technologies process Big Data to glean business insights in real-time that would take enormous effort to develop independently. SizeUp, for instance, aggregates market and customer data from various sources to help businesses see how they compare to competitors in their industry and identify the best places to target publicity. Growing prevalence of solutions like these could improve MSME competitiveness and increase access to finance.”