Benzinga Fintech Summit SizeUp Demo

By October 11, 2017Banking, Fintech


The Benzinga Fintech Summit “Innovators and Game Changers” included a demonstration of SizeUp to the audience of financial service and technology professionals attending the event. The conference in San Francisco brought together some of the leading experts in financial services and business including speakers such as Keith Krach, Chairman of Docusign; Kevin O’Leary, Chairman of O’Shares ETF Investments; Chris Larsen, Founder of Ripple, E-loan, and Prosper; Tom Eck, CTO of IBM Watson; and many other respected leaders from Experian, Lending Tree, Bessemer Venture Partners, Quicken Loans, Intuit, and others. The summit focused on the FinTech revolution with the newest A.I., Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Blockchain tools being used to automate and revolutionize financial services.
