CNet covered the launch of SizeUp at TechCrunch Disrupt saying “The business intelligence company SizeUp looks like it could offer an extremely useful service for small businesses. It takes a city or business district’s publicly-available data, and presents it in super-clear ways for small businesses that could use the intelligence. The demo at the TechCrunch Disrupt conference was compelling.”
Read the full article about SizeUp on cnet.

Comment from SizeUp:
To clarify, SizeUp’s business data comes from hundreds of public AND private sources. The data is verified through over 25 million phone calls each year by third-party researchers and is currently updated quarterly. This data is similar to and includes the type of data used by the majority of the Fortune 100 companies, the most used search engines, and even GPS-based auto navigation systems. For more info, you can check out
the FAQ section.